Prophetic persuasion is an ethical approach to marketing and communication that takes inspiration from God’s messengers.

By studying the lives and words of Biblical and Quranic prophets, we can learn how to influence with integrity: by employing emotional intelligence, by treating people as ends and not means, and by elevating immediate self-interest to long-term social impact.

Persuasion is not merely a technical skill to be learned for personal benefit. It is a human art form necessary for co-existence and collaboration. The greatest influencers in history—including Joseph, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, on them be peace—can show us how.

The Six Rules

Listen before you speak.

Give before you take.

Connect with me.

Imagine a better world.

Invite me.

Love me and wish me well.

About Abdur-Rahman Syed

I am a communication expert and brand strategist.

I am the founder and director of Algebra FZCO, a Dubai-based communication advisory firm for faith-based corporates and non-profits.

In addition to my advisory work, I write and speak on prophetic persuasion, storytelling, the future of work, and brand Islam.